Does Window Capping Help Control the Wear and Tear?

Posted by roofcoadmin May 9, 2018

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Have you found that the cost and time involved with maintaining your window trims are just too much? Most homeowners have wooden trim surrounding their windows and doors, but this requires a great deal of maintenance over the years. After all, wood is particularly susceptible to moisture damage from the elements year-round. You might be able to preserve the wood for a long time by sealing it on a regular basis, but not everyone has time to do so. It’s time for you to find an alternative option.  Learn more with Roofco Roofing company

Window capping could be just the solution you’ve been searching for. With a window cap, you will have a piece of aluminum material expertly installed over the wood to help protect it. You won’t have to deal with resealing it year after year. Instead, you can rest assured that this piece of aluminum can help to shield the wood from the weather. Homeowners will quickly notice that is should help to control the wear and tear on the exterior of the home.

Some people are still a little bit skeptical about whether window capping is really as great as it sounds. They question whether a piece of aluminum is going to protect their seals and frames from the elements effectively. The good news is that window capping really is as effective as it sounds. There’s a reason why it’s already the material of choice in non-residential applications. Here are just a few of the benefits of installing the window caps on your home.

Keep Out Moisture

Moisture is one of the biggest reasons that window trim will ultimately deteriorate over the years. By capping the windows, you can keep that moisture out and prevent it from even coming into contact with your trim. It also helps to keep the moisture out and away from the inside of your home. No water should be able to leak through this capping, allowing it to protect the trim and the inside of your home.

Improve Energy Efficiency

The window capping also helps to keep your energy inside your home. Many homeowners find that they no longer have to seal their windows every season to prevent leaking air. The window caps seal your windows shut tightly so you don’t have to worry about it. As an added bonus, this could even lower your heating and cooling bills each month.

Better Maintenance

How often did you have to sand and repaint your warped or damaged wooden window trim? Most homeowners find that they have to do this every few years. With window capping, the trim stays in excellent shape. All you have to do is keep everything clean while the window capping works its magic.

Window capping really can help to control the wear and tear on your trim and frame. This one investment can also help to protect the interior of your house and even increase its energy efficiency. If you’re ready to improve your home, be sure to contact Roofco today. We’re the reliable roofing service company that can help with all of your home’s exterior needs!