Posted by Roofco June 15, 2019
Asphalt shingles are affordable, last long, offer a variety of attractive options and are easy to install. This and many other perks are what make shingle roofs the most popular to date. Manufacturers, in a bid to make this type of roofing even more sturdy and protective, have perfected shingles design in a number of ways. The asphalt shingle features a mat core that is coated with many layers of asphalt. The exterior layer is coated with pulverized minerals (granules) which are embedded in its surface. The granules, aside from protecting the asphalt from the sun’s ultraviolet rays, also protect the inner layers and the core of the shingles.
Exactly what are granules and how do they protect asphalt shingles?
Granules are made from crushed stones which are then filtered to achieve a uniform size. Thereafter, the granules are adhered to the asphalt layer using a sealant to make them stay put for years. To create a variety of different colors that can match various asphalt shingles, granules are coated with different colors. Granules can also be made from UV blocking materials to offer protection from the harsh sun rays. Additionally, manufacturers also treat granules to make them resistant to algae growth and this way, your roof can withstand the aftermath of humid weather. Without granules, your roof would be smooth with a black appearance from the naked asphalt.
Why do granules fall off? What’s normal?
To enhance durability, manufacturers often cover the shingles with excess granules. Naturally then, some granules are bound to fall off. Again, because granules are exposed to weather elements daily, there’s no way all of them will stay put on the shingles, it’s completely natural that some will come out. Heavy rains and windy weather can cause the roof to lose more granules than normal. You will for these reasons notice granules in your gutters or on the ground near the roof. While this can be concerning, it’s not always a reason for alarm, particularly is your roof is relatively new.
When should you call for repair or replacement?
Over time, as age catches up with our roof, the sealant used to adhesive granules weakens. This results in excessive loss of granules. As this happens, you will begin to notice bare spots of exposed asphalt or a very thin layer of granule covering. These signs warrant concern. This is because, granules are what protect your roof from UV rays and weather elements, without them, your shingles are no match to harsh weather. If you don’t do something at this point, your roof’s integrity will be compromised. The asphalt shingles will inevitably begin to crack after some time start causing leaks and overall roof damage.
When properly cared for, asphalt shingle roofs can go up to 20 years. If yours is older than this and you’ve already noticed an excessive loss of granules, have an experienced roofer Winnipeg go up there and inspect your roof. If the asphalts are intact despite the granule loss, roof repair can prolong your roofs life. However, if the granules are almost all knocked off, and the shingles are curling, it may be time for a roof upgrade, the roofer will advise you accordingly.