When Choosing Your Roof Color

Posted by roofcoadmin April 5, 2019

Need some help picking the right color for your roof? There’s a whole wide range of shingles colors out there, enough to get you confused. When choosing a roof color, you want one that reflects your personality, appeals to the eye and is functional in equal measure. Just like your interior décor can create a warm welcoming vibe or exude a traditional elegance, your roof does the exact same thing. But aesthetics and personality match aren’t the only factors to consider, here are a few more things to consider when choosing a roof color.

The climate you in which you live is one of the top factors to consider when choosing the color of your roof. The color of your roof will have a direct impact on the heating and cooling of your home. Experts say that your roofs color has a 20 to 40 degrees impact on your attic’s temperatures. Let’s go back to your elementary class: dark colors tend to absorb more light, retaining heat in the roof then allowing it to flow in your roof. Light colors, on the other hand, deflect light thus hold much less heat than the darker roofs. Winnipeg has a cold continental climate so darker shingles make a better option. Apparently, darker shingles also help the snow and ice on the roof melt faster.

You guess right! Aesthetics should be the other factor. Interior designers don’t randomly pick pretty colors for flooring, countertops, cabinets, and walls without regard to the big picture. You shouldn’t either. To enhance your homes overall curb appeal, there should be visual harmony between your roof and the rest of your home’s exteriors and its surrounding environment. A dark roofing, for example, would be boring with a dark wood siding. Brown shingles would coordinate well with a more distinct contrast such as beige or with white siding.

Your homes architectural style and setting should also dictate the color of your roof. For instance, black roofs or very dark blends work well with stately, traditional homes because of their grand appearance.

If your housing association has particular building codes and architectural rules to stick to, you don’t want your roofs color choice standing out from your neighbors like a sore thumb. Much as you want to stand out, you must also adhere to the housing association rules and regulations. Again, if in future you plan to sell your home, having the most unique color of the roof in the neighbor is not the best idea. Chose a color that blends in with the rest in the neighborhood or one that blends in, at least. Especially if the homes are close-knit and have few large trees around them, you don’t want your roof color to look like a blue bowl in a cupboard filled with red dinnerware.

The choice of a roof color is one you will have to live with for a long time, so you better choose carefully. As highlighted in the article, curb appeal matters just as much as functionality and temperature control so whether you’re installing a new roof or getting a roof upgrade, an experienced roofer can guide you on the best roof color to settle for, so don’t get stranded.